Hair & Beauty Magazine

Let's Move to Bloglovin'!

By Yessy_suwandi @yessy_1988
Happy Monday everyone!!
You guys must have heard that Google will soon get rid of their blog reader on July 1st, that's kinda a bad news for me T_T
Since most of my readers have followed me through Google Reader.
But, confuse no more, I don't want to lose connection with all my beloved readers, so please kindly follow me through bloglovin'.
Let's Move to Bloglovin'!Yeah, yeah, maybe most of you were too lazy to import your favorite blogs, i know, but hey, here i'll show you some super easy steps to import all blogs that you've followed into bloglovin', trust me, it's EASY!
Just click on this link:
Then continue with click 'Import from Google Reader' button
Let's Move to Bloglovin'!Then tadaaaa!Here are all your favorite blogs, imported to bloglovin' just in a sec!It will be very berry easy! So guys, what are you waiting for?? Go, gooo moving to bloglovin'! ^^Thanks so much for reading my blog, i hope you would see me again on the next post after July 1st vian bloglovin' T_TLotta Love,Yessy

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