Lee Birtwistle
Everyone loves fresh real pizza and its this love for authentic tasty food that led to a second career for Lee this month's featured foodie, driven by a passion to set his own mobile wood fired pizza company. You will find Lee at farmers markets, events and food fairs using fresh handmade dough to create wonderful pizza fesh from his mobile wood oven.
Passionate about local seasonal food, Lee will create a special for the occasion using the best local produce, black pudding, Lancashire cheeses and fresh local vegetables have all featured on his pizzas.
You can also book Lee to cater for your event, he is on Facebook and twitter.
What is your favorite cookery or food book or publication ?
The Naked Chef – Jamie Oliver
What sentence sums up Lancashire Food to you ?
Bold and independent tastes
If you weren't doing what you do now, what would you like to be ?
Pro Snowboarder (too old I know)
Which piece of kit could you not do without ?
My Pizza peel which I handmade out of oak. I can fire four fully topped 10 inch pizzas into the oven with it
Who would join you at your ultimate dinner party and why?
James Martin …. I love Saturday Morning Kitchen
What advice would you give to your younger self ?
Don’t worry so much
Describe your style in three words
Authentic rustic and fresh
What was your latest foodie gadget purchase ?
Info-red Temp Gauge
What is your greatest achievement to date ?
My Kids
What is the worst mistake you have made ?
When I went to pick my pizza oven up I'd been dealing with two companies and was insistent that I'd settled for the company in Worcester so not being too long a drive I took my boy on an overnight adventure with me. We got to Worcester plugged to post code in the sat nav……It was actually the company near Ipswich. Truly was an overnight adventure. We laugh about it now honestly. We cried that night when we finally got to bed at 3 am.
Tell us a secret about yourself ? may be something we wouldn’t expect !
My love of food began when I toured the world with my now wife back in 1994!