Eco-Living Magazine

Lauren’s Week at GREEN

Posted on the 24 June 2011 by Iangreen @GREENComms

Lauren at GREENLauren Crabb (pictured), currently studying her A Levels at Greenhead College, Huddersfield and has just spent a week working with us to gain some work experience. Lauren has been fantastic and we really appreciate all her hard work and can-do attitude. Here are Lauren’s thoughts on the week:

My name is Lauren and I have been fortunate enough to gain a work placement at GREEN Communications. At present, I am studying English, German and French at Greenhead College in Huddersfield. There is no doubt that I have a passion for languages and at the moment, the biggest dilemma for me is deciding what career path I would like to take. I am currently procrastinating Journalism and European Law.
My placement at GREEN is for a week where I am grasping the concept of working in Public Relations. Over the week I have been writing a number of press releases which I have found very exhilarating as it is a new and diversifying experience for me. At college, I have previously written in the style of newspaper articles but this has been a whole new experience for me.
Overall, I can honestly say that my experience at GREEN has been fantastic. I have enjoyed the fact that I have had the opportunity to do written work for the company which is an experience I will never forget. I have also found that the atmosphere at GREEN is welcoming and I will be sad to leave.
Thank you very much for having me GREEN!

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