Creativity Magazine

Lasers on the Kitchen Floor

By Vickilane
Lasers on the Kitchen Floor
  When my younger son was quite small -- thirty some years ago -- we had a prism hanging in the kitchen window that threw rainbows all about the room when the sun was right. Justin was, at the time, a big fan of STAR WARS and, in his mind, the lovely rainbows were lasers.  (Or wasers -- he had some difficulties with Ls at the time.)
Lasers on the Kitchen Floor

"Wet wasers go!" he would command and I would set the prism in motion so that the colors would dance about the room.

Lasers on the Kitchen Floor
Time passed, as it does, and the little boy learned to pronounce his Ls and grew up; the prism's nylon string broke; and the prism itself got misplaced. Lasers on the Kitchen FloorBut on a recent birthday, my husband surprised me with a new prism which we have restored to its rightful place.  And the lasers are spinning once more.Lasers on the Kitchen Floor

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