When I say this, I don't mean that I was lost and am just found by myself like yesterday. what I want to say is there was guiding force that led me catch a train and come to Delhi and do things on my own. I have grown since then... grown a lot! But it has taken me years to realize I can do whatever I want, I can say what I want and I can stick with what I want.

Trust me, I have spent money like water comes out of the hose. I spen 100INR on a top so I did spend 2000INR on another top that I liked when I was earning just 9+k/mo , paid 4+k on rent and I could save nothing. And there was a time, I promised myself that I would spend only on expensive, branded stuff- and I wold say it made me feel relly good and confident. But real happiness I get is when I spend n a thrift store on something for mere 100INR. It gives me high like a drug would give high to the addicted!

Things Are Always Wokring Out For Me!
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