Food & Drink Magazine

Kondakadalai Puli Kuzhambu Recipe - Easy Chickpeas Recipes

By Ramya21

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe with step by step pictures

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

kondakadalai/chickpeas/chana kuzhambu recipe is made with white or brown variety with tamarind extract and spice powders.I added coconut paste to make it less spicier and more thicker in texture.the recipe is so easy to make and i made this kuzhmabu in kara kuzhambu version as the chickpeas tastes mild so added extra red chilli powder in the recipe.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

While making any kuzhambu version with only tamarind,dont forget to add fenugreek seeds or vendhayam as it gives bitter taste and balance everything thing in the stew right from spiciness to sourness.Add the seeds in the beginning while adding the tempering and add more curry leaves while making the kara kuzhambu varieties.The kuzhambu is well paired with steamed white rice and coconut thogayal.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

i already posted the recipe for vatha kuzhambu recipe.check that too and the recipe is made using sambar powder and here you need red chilli powder,coriander powder and turmeric powder for making the recipe.Add asafoetida or hing to make it more aromatic and flavorful kuzhmabu.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

here comes the step pictorial.,

  • Soak the lemon sized tamarind in enough water before starting the kuzhambu.Soak the chickpeas overnight or for atleast 8 hours and pressure cook the next day with enough water and salt to it and keep it ready.
  • Heat 1 to 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil or gingelly oil in a kadai,and add mustard seeds,black gram seeds,fenugreek seeds and 1 dry red chilli.
  • Once it starts splutter add small onions and finely chopped 1 tomato to it and cook it till it soft and mushy.Add curry leaves and saute it well.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

  • Now extract the tamarind pulp from the soaked tamarind and to that pulp add turmeric powder,red chilli powder and coriander powder and enough salt for the tamarind and spices.(add enough salt to it because we already added salt to the chickpeas).
  • Add the tamarind solution we prepared (test the seasoning here)then add it to the kadai.
  • Boil it for 3 to 4 minutes until the raw smell leaves and oil seems to float on top.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

    Now to that add the cooked chickpeas along with water and cook it for 2 to 3 minutes in medium flame.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

  • Take 3 tablespoons of grated coconut and make a paste from it and add it to the kuzhambu.
  • cook it for 4 more minutes after adding coconut paste and switch off the flame.
  • Add hing or asafoetida finally and make a mix to evenly spread it.

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu

kondakadalai puli kuzhambu recipe - easy chickpeas recipes

stew made with chickpeas,tamarind and spices


  • Chickpeas - 1 cup,soaked and cooked
  • Small onions - 1 cup\
  • tomato - 1 ,finely chopped
  • turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • red chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
  • coriander powder - 1 1/2 teaspoon
  • tamarind - 1 lemon sized ball
  • mustard seeds ,black gram seeds,fenugreek seeds,dry red chilli - for tempering
  • salt - to taste
  • sesame oil - 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • curry leaves - as needed
  • hing or asafoetida - a pinch
  1. Soak the lemon sized tamarind in enough water before starting the kuzhambu.Soak the chickpeas overnight or for atleast 8 hours and pressure cook the next day with enough water and salt to it and keep it ready.
  2. Heat 1 to 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil or gingelly oil in a kadai,and add mustard seeds,black gram seeds,fenugreek seeds and 1 dry red chilli.
  3. Once it starts splutter add small onions and finely chopped 1 tomato to it and cook it till it soft and mushy.Add curry leaves and saute it well.
  4. Now extract the tamarind pulp from the soaked tamarind and to that pulp add turmeric powder,red chilli powder and coriander powder and enough salt for the tamarind and spices.(add enough salt to it because we already added salt to the chickpeas).
  5. Add the tamarind solution we prepared (test the seasoning here)then add it to the kadai.
  6. Boil it for 3 to 4 minutes until the raw smell leaves and oil seems to float on top.
  7. Now to that add the cooked chickpeas along with water and cook it for 2 to 3 minutes in medium flame.
  8. Take 3 tablespoons of grated coconut and make a paste from it and add it to the kuzhambu.
  9. cook it for 4 more minutes after adding coconut paste and switch off the flame.add hing or asafoetida finally and give a mix.

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