Politics Magazine

Know Your Enemy

Posted on the 08 August 2016 by Calvinthedog

SD writes:

SD is back, because we learn a great deal about ourselves from those whose opinions are the opposite.

If they are wrong they prove our point and if they are right they prove us wrong.

But either way we learn about ourselves.

This is correct. I am always reading the sites of the people I disagree with, even people who I absolutely despise.

It is very important to know how the enemy thinks.

I recall a tale about a famous general, I forget who it was. There was a huge war going on, and he was on one side of the war, pretty much leading his troops, and there was another group they were fighting against.

I remember a reporter visited him once in his office and was shocked to see a huge picture of the head general of the opposing forces right on his desk, staring right at the general from where he sat in his chair. When sitting at his desk, there was no way to avoid looking at this huge looming portrait of the enemy general. The reporter was stunned and asked the general why he had put a portrait of his enemy on his desk. The general said he put it there because this was the man he thought about all day long. Then he said something about the importance of knowing your enemy. The reporter asked the general if he hated the opposing general whose photo he had placed so prominently on his desk.

“Oh no,” the general said. “I have nothing but respect for him. I have the utmost respect for that man.”

The reporter was shocked, but thinking later, realized that it all made sense.

Know your enemy!

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