Food & Drink Magazine

Keep It Simple

By Yonni @vegandthecity
Keep It SimpleI don't know about you, but breakfast is a tough meal for me.  As a mom with a full-time job, I'm either getting my son ready for school, making him breakfast, or trying to get myself out the door, to the gym or to the office.  (And, let's be honest, I love the snooze button on my alarm.)  Unless I make a note, I tend to forget to grab something, but I just can't make it to lunch without at least a little bite in my stomach!
This week I've been an apple and vegan rice cheese fan ~ a quick, throw-it-in-your-bag-and-go kind of thing.  Today though, as I was 4 minutes from work, I realized I'd brought nothing ~ not even my protein shake blend to which I could add cold water.  My assistant was coming in late and I just didn't want to be late myself trying to make a quick Starbucks run, so I headed straight to my office.  Waiting for me in my little snack stash was a box of jasmine green tea, Suzie's whole grain thin cakes and a jar of organic natural peanut butter.  A meal was born!  
Suzie's offers a variety of crackers, but these particular "cakes" are a combination of corn, quinoa & sesame.  They are cholesterol, fat, gluten and sugar free and only 38 calories for 3 slices!  I pulled out 6, topped 3 with my peanut butter, poured myself some tea and the perfect, savory, easy high protein meal was born!  Vegan, tasty and simple.
Enjoy the weekend.......................

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