Keep A Monthly Checkoff List For Better Fitness Results
A calendar will be a great tool for you to determine if your outcome equals your behavior.
What your calendar needs for the month:
*Strength training workouts
*Cardio workout
*Intensity of workouts
*Calories Burnt from workouts
*Daily caloric budget
*Daily calories consumed
*If you cheated on your nutrition
*If you drank alcohol
*Hours of sleep
If your program is well written and you followed it 100% you should see the results you were striving for. After the month is over assess your results. If you did not see the results you were looking for, look back at your calendar. Did you hit every workout? Was your nutrition 100% on track? Did you drink alcohol? Did you get enough sleep? If you did not hit every workout or stay on track with your nutrition, there is your answer. Next month you will be more motivated to perform better. If you did everything that you had planned out and saw little results, your program might need adjustment.
The calendar will be a great tool to help you prevent hitting a plateau. If you are doing the same workouts and nutrition program your results will stop. You need to adjust to your nutrition and exercise programs to support your new fitness level.
Keeping yourself accountable for your actions will help keep you motivated and prevent yourself from getting discouraged. You will know exactly what needs to be changed. Your program and or your behavior will need to be altered for you to see results.
Keep It Real
Keep your goals real. If your goals are not realistic you will set yourself up to fail. It is better to set smaller short-term goals that are achievable than to expect to achieve a goal that is unrealistic. Health and fitness is for life, not just for a month or two. If you need to lose 10 pounds set a goal to lose it in 10 weeks. That is one pound a week. If you lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks and keep it off, isn’t that better than trying to lose it quick and never achieving that goal?
Keep yourself accountable and see the results you are looking for.
Best of health and happiness,
Dave Nevue