Lifestyle Magazine

Katya and Prakash at Syon Park Part 2

By Claire

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Today wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Natasha Thomp­son shares some more pics of the day, ele­gant posed pics and more of the story of the wed­ding recep­tion. Groom Prakash tells us how this glo­ri­ous wed­ding day unfolded from the point we left the happy cou­ple after they signed the reg­is­ter and joined their guests.

We begin with Kateryna’s fam­ily and a Russ­ian tra­di­tion you may not be famil­iar with: “Katya’s par­ents then took us through a tra­di­tional Russ­ian cer­e­mony of drink­ing wine and break­ing bread. We got to then spend a short amount of time with our guests before we were then whisked away to the gar­dens around the Great Con­ser­va­tory for more photos.

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Whilst we were away, drinks and canapés were being served to our guests in the court­yard and our magi­cian was mean­der­ing around the crowd break­ing the ice between peo­ple with his magic.

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After about 90 mins in the court­yard, our guests were then brought to the Great Con­ser­va­tory. It was really spe­cial to be in such beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings with our friends. It was nice to just hang about in the gar­dens before dinner.

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Then we were all called into the Great Con­ser­va­tory for an evening of food, wine, speeches and danc­ing. In between we all got out of chairs to hang about the gar­dens for some Russ­ian wed­ding games.

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All in all, the venue really added to the enjoy­ment of the day for every­one. It has a grand­ness and beauty whilst remain­ing soft and unpre­ten­tious. The staff are also amaz­ing. We really got to relax and enjoy the day know­ing that logis­tics were being looked after with great care.

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The weather turned out to be superb. It was bright and warm the whole time through.

We have a lovely bunch of friends and fam­ily and they col­lec­tively made for such a warm and happy vibe for us. Katya and I were made to feel very spe­cial through­out the day.

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One of the wed­ding games was try­ing to guess the knees of my wife by feel­ing the knees of five seated women, not know­ing who was part of the line up.

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I was con­vinced that the knees of the 4th woman were Katya’s. I con­fi­dently took off my eye shield to find I had just cho­sen her mother! She was very pleased and I’ve never seen her look so happy.

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A sin­gle piece of advice for Eng­lish Wed­ding read­ers? There is no need to feel guilty about not being able to spend one-on-one time with every­one at your wed­ding. Let go and suc­cumb to how­ever way the day wishes to unfold!

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Rec­om­mended wed­ding sup­pli­ers: Syon Park

At Home Cater­ing – Excep­tional! Usu­ally when­ever I’ve been cen­tre of atten­tion I find it hard to eat. But this food was so tasty and both Katya and I pol­ished our food off! Amaury Girardeau was our wed­ding coor­di­na­tor and he was won­der­ful to deal with.

Gina Mackey – mag­nif­i­cent harp player and singer.

Max Pritchard – our magi­cian. He was won­der­fully friendly. His tricks were amaz­ing. And he helped break the ice between peo­ple whilst every­one gath­ered in the Syon House courtyard.

And of course our won­der­ful pho­tog­ra­pher Natasha… The rea­son why she is appear­ing on your blog speaks for itself of course!

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Kateryna, Prakash: thank you for shar­ing and con­grat­u­la­tions on what looks to have been a per­fect wed­ding day. I wish you many more happy years together.

Huge thanks to Natasha Thomp­son, Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher, for sub­mit­ting this wed­ding to Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog for the fea­ture. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

Please leave your com­ments for Katya and Prakash, and for pho­tog­ra­pher Natasha below.

Enjoy your day everyone!

Claire xxx

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