For the last few days the children and I have had the pleasure of having Shane work from home.
I love having him close and getting to spend time with him.
It is a nice break from him being gone so often.
So this week he was welding in the drive way but with 3 sons running around he struggled to get much work done.
They all wanted to be right by his side.
He loves that, but if they were going to be watching him and be near him they needed the proper attire.
So he suited them up!

After Faith saw that the boys were playing “dress-up” she wanted to play too.

It is a good thing that Shane has so many hoods and shirts.

Now they were ready to watch daddy.
After finally getting ready to watch daddy both Jude and Faith decided they did not want to anymore.
Imagine that…..
So the 2 older boys went to help daddy.
A few hours later Shane came in and told me to come outside and bring the camera.
The boys were going to weld!

Shane had been helping them learn how to weld.
I should have known something was up since neither of them had come in tired of “watching” daddy.
This is Jonah underneath the hood here.
He was ready to show mom what he had learned.

Daddy only helps a little.


I adore these pictures.

There really is something so special about a daddy teaching his son.

In between the white lines is where Jonah welded with help and after the white is without help.
I was so proud of him!

How cute is this little man!

Dirty from a hard days work.

Now it was Jacob’s turn to shine.
Get it “shine”….cause it’s bright…..never mind.

See it’s bright………told ya.

These pictures just make me smile.
So I had to have some fun with the editing process of them.

I love this in a vintage edit.

And this one in a cutout edit.
Kinda looks like a paint by numbers.

Here is Jacob’s work.

He is so handsome!
Both of the boys did great!
Welding is not easy.
Now granted their daddy was right there to help but it takes courage to get behind a welding gun and let sparks fly at you.
It did not seem to bother them though.
They are tough like their daddy.
I am so glad that they have such an amazing father who seeks to invest his time and efforts to teach his sons to be men.
The boys may never be welders.
And that’s ok.
They can be what they want to be.
But for now, they are learning new skills and learning how to work hard.
And most importantly……
How to be men.