Hair & Beauty Magazine

Jurlique - Essence Of Rose Roll On Fragrance Oil

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Jurlique - Essence Of Rose Roll On Fragrance Oil
Who doesn't love a perfume in a roller ball. I am not really sure what it is about them but they are handy to chuck in your hand bag, for travel and they are cheaper than a full size perfume so you can try more scents.
When I saw that Jurlique had brought out their new Essence Of Rose Roll On Fragrance Oil I knew it would be love.
This is a 100% natural fragrance that nourishes the skin as well as giving you a lovely scent. It is alcohol, silicone and paraben free. It also doesn't contain artificial colours or fragrance.
It is made with the finest Rose oils and captures the essence of 10,000 rose petals and also has Shea Butter and Rose gallica in it.
If you are a rose fan you can't go wrong with this, it gives of a true rose scent that isn't over powering. It last on the skin for about 3/4 hours before you need to reapply but as it comes in an roller ball that's not a problem when you are on the go.
I really love this and would recommend it to anyone who loves rose.
This retails for £16.50 from
*PR Sample

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