Creativity Magazine

Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

By Vickilane
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew
I helped Meema make stromboli for the boys working on the shop down at my place.
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew
I rolled the dough into a big rectangle and Meema put pesto and ham and dried tomatoes and cheese all over it.
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

Then she rolled it up and baked it.

Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

When the stromboli were done, Grumpy came and got them and took them to the work site. 

Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

Meema ate some for lunch but I said No thank you and had yoghurt.
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

The boys worked very hard and very late. I think it was my stromboli that gave them so much energy.  And look what they did!
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew

Note from Meema: Wow! 
There will now be a bit of a break while everyone recovers and resumes other (paying) jobs but we have decided on a green metal roof.  
Josie Helps Make Stromboli for the Work Crew


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