Christmas is almost here! Meema and Grumpy have a beautiful tree . . .
And my dog Benny has a fancy sweater. BobaDog, who has a warm fur suit, made fun of him but Benny did not care because he likes being warm.
Meema and Grumpy's tree has ornaments made by lots of people--Meema and Grumpy made some and there are some my daddy made when he was a little boy. There are some made by my Grandma and by Aileen's mother and by Cory's grandmother (these two are people I do not know) but there were none by me Josie because I took the other ones I made home.
So Meema helped me and I got to work. I could not use buttons this time because they were in the closet behind the tree and Meema said NO we could not move the tree. But she had star stickers.
I did a heart and a Christmas tree and hung them up.
And I found a package under the tree to me Josie and it said OPEN NOW! and it was a big ornament with pink glitter and a picture of me and Mama and Daddy in the dragon suits we wore for Halloween.
I hung it on the tree for a little while but I will take it home to hang on my tree.
When I was done with the ornaments, I decided to make a paper airplane. It is tricky but Meema helped and we made it zoom.
I love Christmas time! When I come back on Wednesday, Meema says I can open one present. There are lots under the tree and Grumpy said they were all for him but I have looked and there are some for me. I am so excited!!!!