I am Josie.
Sometimes I am oppositional.
Like when Meema said I was doing a good job using my spoon.
So I had to eat the rest of my yogurt with the little end of the spoon.
Yesterday I ate my oatmeal with my fingers.
Also, sometimes I have to yell NONONONO!
Meema calls it a tantrum if I lie on the floor and kick and say NONONO.
I don't do that very often--just when Meema is being difficult.
also change my mind a lot.
want noodles.
don’t eat noodles.
want yogurt.
don’t want yogurt.
want to go to the library.
don’t want to go to the library.
don’t want to go home.
want to stay at the library.
If I fall down and yell, Meema walks away. Then I get up and go to the car with her.
It is kind of a game. After all, I’m not quite two and a half years old.
There’s a name for that: Terrible twos. Meema looked on her computer and it said that temper tantrums are a common and developmentally appropriate behavior for children under three.
It also said that after three, I will be more able to use words to express my frustration.
I am practicing those words.
There are some I should not say so I say DAGNABBIT!
Or SUGAR! Also the computer said that when I am three, I will behave in more socially acceptable ways. We’ll see.