Health Magazine

Join the Celebration…Spread the Word…Save a Life

Posted on the 18 September 2011 by Jean Campbell

Spread the word logoThis post is about spreading the word in support of National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week and National Previvor Day 2011( Sept 25th to October 2nd.) It is a letter from Sue Friedman, Executive Director of FORCE EMPOWERED (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered

Spread the word! Just 10 more days until National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week and National Previvor Day 2011.

On September 15, 2010, history was made with the unanimous passage of H. Res. 1522, the Congressional resolution declaring the first ever National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Week and National Previvor Day. This historic vote launched a new era of awareness for our community, ensuring that we have a stronger voice and that our concerns and needs will be heard.

In FORCE’s early days, spreading the word, fighting for awareness of HBOC and recognition of previvors as important stakeholders was a lonely effort.

Perhaps no accomplishment has resonated so strongly and given us more pride. Exactly one year later, as we prepare for HBOC Week and Previvor Day 2011, we remember the meaning behind these seven unique days. It is our own special week; the time to raise our voices even louder to ensure that our issues continue to be counted and that the challenges we face are more widely understood.

Just as importantly, we must maintain our level of crescendo to afford thousands more the opportunity to learn about FORCE’s helping hand in the fight against hereditary cancer. We hope that you will join us in celebration during this important week.

Many HBOC events are planned around the country.We encourage you to attend, if there is one scheduled in your area, and spread the word about the event to others.

By participating in an HBOC activity you honor and celebrate all of your loved ones who have been affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

View our event calendar and find a simple way to celebrate on your own or with a friend or family member, please see our list of easy celebration ideas on our site…

Remember, hearing your story and learning about FORCE can positively change the life of someone who is affected by HBOC. And keep your eyes open for our special email on Sunday, September 25th, the first day of National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Week.

Sincerely yours,

Sue Friedman, executive Director, FORCE EMPOWERED

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