Food & Drink Magazine

Jesus Hummus

By Kalamitykelli @venuscorpiogirl

Hummus/Kelli’s Retro Kitchen Arts

For those who may be offended by the title, please give me a chance to explain. Several years ago, Top Girl and I were at Target when we saw some hummus. I was not a huge fan of it, but I was starving so we got a container of Sonny & Joe’s Hummus Galilee (it has Galilee olives) and some flatbread crackers. When we got into the car, we opened it right away. I am usually put off by the whang of the tahini but not this time – I pretty much ate ½ of the container and she ate the other half. No kidding. We were hungry. Some time passed and I began craving it so I asked Top Girl to get me some more next time she was at Target. She couldn’t remember what kind it was and kept asking me over and over. After much thought, I came up with the best rendition I could, “Jesus Hummus”! At least she knew what the theme of it was, right? We both had a laugh over it when she finally found the hummus Galilee bar code where it was supposed to be…..but none was found! Every few weeks I would request the Jesus Hummus and only occasionally would I be rewarded with the treat.

As you remember from Sunday Night, I told you I made three treats for my co-worker’s birthday present. First, I made the S’Mores Truffles for the family, then the Dog Biscuits for George, and then I made Hummus just for her. It was my first try so I thought “what the heck”? I will go for it and make her some that she would LOVE making it very hot! When she received it, she said she ate most of it right then. I was glad to hear my experiment worked out. The following is my recipe and instead of what I used to call it, I call it Go-ooo-ood! I hope you like it too – but you can make it normally if you like.

Hummus/Kelli’s Retro Kitchen Arts

1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Can of Chickpeas drained with a little liquid reserved in case you need it
1/3 Tahini Paste
4 cloves garlic, peeled
3 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ teaspoon Cumin
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons Sriracha Chili Sauce (optional)
Olive oil, smoky Paprika, and chopped green olives for garnish.

Place in a food processor or blender in the order listed and then puree until smooth.

Spoon into dish – this is where I differ with about everyone else – I cover and let sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. Then, I chop the olives and sprinkle on top then drizzle with olive oil and several dashes of smoky Paprika. Serve with flatbread crackers or whatever you like.

Hummus/Kelli’s Retro Kitchen Arts

This has been my lucky week! First, I won a giveaway at Hungry Happenings and received a can of Lucky Leaf strawberry pie filling, a recipe, and some really sweet decorative cupcake papers. THEN – in some crazy twist of fate as I was reading Food Stories blog I saw I won a travel mug and a bag of 8 O’Clock coffee. I couldn’t believe it. Thank you Beth at Hungry Happenings where you can learn to make the most creative and snappy treats you have ever seen, Lucky Leaf for their generous gift, CJ at Food Stories where you can read heartwarming and sometimes hilarious food stories, recipes, and even enter or vote in a photo contest where you win cash, and finally thanks to 8 O’clock coffee for something my husband will enjoy for some time to come!

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