Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine


By Jenrene

Jennifer.So this is me when I was about ten years old. I am committing even if i don't do very well, to blog or at least try to blog daily.

I sent this to my mom and she smiles , I am certain. I smile because there was still a bit of spark there.. in that little girl. A bit of spunk.

I was a little girl that loved school, my teachers ( because I was a teacher's pet, loved reading books, loved being the youngest child, and loved my family.

At this time is my life my dads drinking had begun to get a bit stronger, and the family was beginning to flounder.

What do I remember?

I remember playing games outside, moms Halloween parties for me, hanging with my cousins and laughing outside while riding my bike and playing. My mom did everything to salvage the little girl in me.

(Stay tuned for the power I wrote her..)

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