Hi guys…I hope you are having a great day. Having Monday off as a holiday and then taking Tuesday off, I feel so off kilter today. It doesn’t help that I’m still trying to get caught up at work from being out yesterday either! Oh well, we are half way through the week and we have a super fun weekend planned so I have a lot to look forward to!
So, today I want to turn the tables a bit in this post, but first, I will give you a little background. I’ve recently been working to onboard a new creative agency at work who will be my partner in a large amount of my deliverables this year at work. This process can be extremely time consuming as we are not only getting to know one another on a personal and professional level but at the same time, I need to debrief them and get them very quickly up to speed on our therapeutic area, our product, market research, insights and strategies as well as discuss our tactics and objectives with each project. I also have to learn their processes and flow so we can optimize our working relationship and meet our goals in the most efficient manner.
Additionally, I also have to learn about a whole new team. That means a group of about 10 new people with whom I have to build strong, successful working relationships with. Doing this in a short period of time is hard, but critical in order to move my projects along. I recently spent a day with this team in NYC where I met face to face with my team for the first time. We started going about the table telling a little bit about ourselves: name, work background, you know, the standard intro kind of things. But then we took it a step further and had each person tell us about their favorite vacation. The most interesting stories came out of that exercise. Not only that, but I am usually TERRIBLE with remembering names when I have to learn a lot of new names in one setting, but their stories helped me to connect to them on a different, more personal level and I left not only remembering the stories, but which story went with which person and I remembered everyone’s name!! This never happens and it just went to show me that when you take the time to learn more about people and their stories, it deepens the connection and makes the relationship much more personal and meaningful.
So, today, it’s not all about me. I am going to stop talking writing now and turn the tables and get to know you all a bit better. Some of you I have been friends with for quite some time, but others of you are newer (welcome) but I want to learn something new from each of you. Tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know. Maybe it was your favorite vacation or something on your bucket list, maybe it’s what you wanted to be as a kid or your favorite ice cream flavor. You can tell me anything, but it has to be something I wouldn’t already know about you from our previous interactions. Okay? And because I love Napoleon Dynamite so much, I leave you with this!
Ready, set….GO!
Question of the day
Tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know!