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It Begins WIth A Rough Sketch!

By Therelishedroost
I finally started the rough sketches in my trusty pad for my powder room wall mural. It is going to be a challenge for sure but a great learning process as well. The tones will be taupe and browns I haven't decided yet if the elephants will pop with color,  I guess I will decide after ground paint is in place. I am also in the process of learning the abstract painting process and I am always looking for inspiration. I love simple interior vignettes, so if anyone has a great vignette they wish to share to be turned into a small painting please contact me at: [email protected]. I will send you completed painting if I decide to use it for practice!
It Begins WIth A Rough Sketch!

It Begins WIth A Rough Sketch!

Very rough sketch to decide characters.

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