After the latest news today that an Israeli bomb hit a UN run school in Gaza killing 15 and injuring over 200 people, I decided to have a look at the Astrology between these two bitter rivals both squabbling over the same land. If you want to know why these enemies always seem to end up fighting and killing each other, just look at each Astrology chart against each other. It is very easy to see why…

In just 5 bullet point aspects, the picture is very very clear…
1) Israeli Mars on Palestinian Ascendant. This is sheer aggression and arguments waiting to happen. Mars is just in the Palestinian 12th house so the aggression causes suffering and irritation to both parties.
2) Israeli Sun on Palestinian Midheaven representing the leadership - This is a nasty one as the Israeli leader (currently Netanyahu) will always have jurisdiction over the running of Palestine...
3) Israeli South Node conjunct Palestinian Pluto. This is a death spiral connection if ever I saw one. These two are locked together in a manipulative relationship where obsession and power are the keys, and unless they both bite the bullet, these issues will continually rise to the surface.
4) Palestinian Pluto square Israeli Pluto & Saturn - Power verses power, control vs control - this will never cease as they both fight kick and scream to get the upper hand on each other. Destructive in the least. Israel has the upper administrative hand in this duel.
5) Sun opposite Sun - need I say more...