Today Isiah Thomas said some intresting comments to say the least. When he was asked to describe his place compared to Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson he replied saying.
"I have no problem saying this at all,” he said. “They're all 6-(feet)-9 and Jordan was 6-6 and a half. If they were all 6-1, it wouldn't even be a question. They wouldn't even fucking rate. If they were all my size, shit, they wouldn't even be talked about.
“I beat the shit out of them when they were that big. If we were all the same size, fuck.” He stops to laugh good-naturedly. “Make them 6-1 and let's go on the court.”
Interesting ever heard of a thing called genetics Isiah it has been happening for thousands of years. So your saying that if you were all the same size you would be the same. even if Jordan was the same size as you he would be better he has a better skill set than you.
One thing you can't control is genetics so Isiah stop complaining and accept that your 6ft 1. And They are 6ft 6 and 6ft 9. Things like this should be accepted and not complained about.
Do you agree with Isiah? or is he just running his mouth?
***quotes and infromation used from msn.foxsports.com
***image credit to Sportsillustrated.com
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