Is Gmail Safe?
4.93 Million Accounts are hacked! This number is huge and this naturally puts a question that, Is Gmail is safe to use? A lot of anxiety in users whether their account is also hacked or not (you can check this from link provided at the end of this post). Now this puts a question on your password strength.Since recently Apple's iCloud was breached and many celebs pictures were stolen and were made public on internet, this clearly answers your question.
Though Gmail is quiet safe, if you want to make it. Let me explain you clearly what I want to say.How to make Gmail Safe?
The Gmail is so closely linked to our lives that now every internet user has at-least one Gmail account. Whether you are Internet user or Android user you will need a Gmail Account.The key mantra to account safety is: If you have a strong Password, then your Account is safe.
Whether it is Gmail Account or Apple Account. Now let me tell you something to support my above lines.I have two Gmail account. I use my first account everywhere I do a new Signup. And that Gmail ID's password is too simple (so that I can remember it anytime).
And with second Gmail Account I use to write this blog. And this ID's password is a bit strong. And when I checked both of my Gmail ID's whether they are hacked or not, the results were natural.
My First ID (the one with weak password) was hacked and first two letters were made public, while my second ID was not hacked.
So this clearly answers my, and yours, question. We should not leave any peak hole from our side.
Recommendations to Gmail
Though every user must use a strong password, or at-least a password which is not easily guessable. Some sites have already password recommendations and restrictions like you cannot have your name (First, Second) in your password. Some simple guessable passwords like 123456789, qwertyuiop, abcxyzand so on like these are not allowed. But Gmail don't have these restrictions. So Gmail should put these restrictions to increase its security that's all we can say.
But put efforts from your part choose a strong password. Rest, leave on Gmail team.
Is your Gmail Account password is safe
Russian hackers hacked 4.93 Million Gmail accounts and they made a smart database. You can check whether your Gmail Account Password is safe or not, just visit "Is Leaked?" from below link.If you don't want to provide your complete Email address then you can hide last three letters using three asterisks. For example you can use tuvw*** on place of [email protected] visit: