Answered on Quora.
Yes, it’s called heterosexual. There are many cases in the literature about gay men who want to be straight but are not attracted to women. Many have gone to useless therapy to try to cure their homosexuality, except there is no cure for it.
We also see many gay men, often gay boys on here, who seem to be clearly gay but are panicking and want desperately to be straight. Some are looking at straight porn in an effort to cure themselves. I am not sure how well that is going to work out as lab studies have proven that male sexual orientation is fixed by age 15. After that age, at heterosexual attraction cannot be increased and homosexual attraction cannot be increased. Men are stuck at whatever orientation they are.
There is a fascinating case in the literature I read in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. It involved a very straight man in college who desperately wanted to be gay. He very much disliked women for some reason or other and wanted nothing to do with them. However his erotic orientation was completely towards women. He hung out mostly with gay men. He had been trying to get interested in men sexually for quite some time and was having no luck at all. He presented for therapy desperate to change from straight to gay and exasperated that he could not do so.
This seems to be what is going on with the person above.