Healthy Living Magazine

Is It Time to Get Your New Year’s Resolutions Back on Track?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport
  • Is it Time to Get Your New Year’s Resolutions Back on Track?Lose weight and get fit realistically and easily.
  • Feel more peaceful, happy, calm and balanced.
  • Have more energy and improved health.
  • Discover what clothing shapes work for your body so you look and feel great.

Each year you resolve to lose weight, become healthier, have a more balanced and stress-free life and look more stylish.   As the months roll by, often little of what we want to achieve has been accomplished.

You’re not alone. 50% of resolutions are dropped by June and by the end of the year 90% of resolutions have failed.

It’s frustrating. And I know how hard it can be when you’re also overworked and stressed and you have little time for yourself.

As they say, if you keep flogging a dead horse, all your get is a sore arm.  Isn’t it time you started to change the way you think about your health, your fitness, how you deal with stress and how to look and feel great?

Imagine waking up easily full of energy to exercise, eating a healthy breakfast, easily putting together a stylish outfit that makes you feel confident before you head out for your day?   Then at the end of the day being able to easily wind down and relax and have a great night’s sleep?

 Stop putting yourself LAST on your to-do list.  You need to be FIRST!  If you’re functioning at optimum performance your whole life is better and everyone close to you BENEFITS from this.

This event will teach you how to look at your whole life in a new light, and set small achievable outcomes and action steps that will snowball over the year, keeping you on track to achieve your goals.

 This is about making small steps consistently moving in the right direction for you.

In order to ensure you achieve your success you will have access to a private facebook group to ask questions of  us all through the year! This bonus alone is priceless.

But this is not the only bonus you will receive from coming to this ReNew You event.

Together,we will help you to get Re-Freshed, Re-vitalized, Re-Energised and Re-Charged so you have a fabulous 2012.

Please join us in Melbourne on Saturday 17 March from 9am – 5pm  – take a day for you – for your health – for your future – for your family.

Why you need to come…

Women are notoriously bad at looking after themselves.  Everyone else in their family and life often comes first.  Your health suffers, your fitness, your weight your self- esteem and confidence.

We want to get you on the right track, give you lots of practical and achievable tips to help you on the road to success.  Plus, we want to make looking after your No 1 (yes, that’s YOU) fun!

What you get…

From our Integrative Pharmacist & Natural Healthcare Practitioner Simone Morely:

  • Discover where your energy comes from and how to find more!
  • Understand how to turn food into FUEL not FAT!
  • Learn how to befriend your hormones so they work for you not against you.
  • Women’s health checklist – what should you have checked and when
  • Receive 3 tools to help you move into the WELLNESS ZONE!

From our fitness expert Birgitta Thorborg:

Whether you’ve tried and failed, or you haven’t yet started your exercise routine, let me assure you that you CAN change your body virtually any way you want to.

What will you learn from this seminar?

  • Why aerobic exercise is so important for a healthy body and what you can do to get started or improve your training
  • Find out how resistance training will tone your body and making all movements less strenuous and energy consuming, how it will help support your joints; hence preventing arthritic problems and reducing the chance of injuries caused by falls. You will walk away with strength exercises for your whole body
  • Stretching techniques, how and why to include daily stretching to improve your flexibility
  •  Learn the connection between body and mind and the importance of “me” time for stress relief. Experience the good feeling from some easy exercises you can do every day.

 From our Personal Styling Expert Imogen Lamport:

  • How to look 5kg slimmer using the art of illusion
  • Discover your body shape and how to flatter it
  • Understand how your body proportions influence ideal length of your tops, jackets, skirts and dresses.
  • How to choose patterns, handbags, shoes and jewelry based on your unique features and scale.
  • This information will save you thousands of dollars as you stop wasting money on clothes that don’t suit you.

From our Aromatherapist and Masseur Karen Galbraith:

You will go away with a number of techniques using Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Meditation to enhance yourself and your family, simple easy treatments you can easily implement at home:

  •  To feel wonderful and relaxed!
  • To be even healthier, you can feel better than you ever knew was possible.
  • To increase your body awareness and sensitivity.
  • To relieve everyday type stress as well as more extreme stress from key times of pressure or crisis.
  • To become calmer, more centred, and thus more creative.
  • To think more clearly and to quiet mental static; to be in relaxed alertness.
  • To nourish your muscles, and your whole self.
  • To help prevent illness and improve life quality.

Don’t wait – grab your ticket NOW  EARLY BIRD PRICES ENDING THIS WEEK!

Plus you will receive our bonuses worth $640 – FREE

  1. Comprehensive Health Assessment and Cellular Health Analysis ($120)
  2. Fitness CD and Comprehensive Physical Fitness Assessment ($130)
  3. Aromatherapy Massage Balm Peaceful Sleep, or Muscle Relaxant ($35)
  4. Personalised Aromatherapy Consultation & Blend for you ($105)
  5. Style Recipe consultation to find your unique personality style ($190)
  6. 3 Months free membership to our exclusive Your Style program ($60)

And on the day you’ll also receive a fabulous goody bag full of wonderful products and services!

Plus BONUS access to a private facebook group to keep you accountable and ask us any question you need answered to stay on track.

Don’t wait – grab your ticket NOW

Saturday March 17 2012′

Time: 9am – 5pm

Investment: $197 (early bird – ending THIS WEEK! Grab your ticket TODAY!)

Value: Priceless


Who we are

 Re-vitalise - Simone

Integrative Pharmacist & Natural Healthcare Practitioner Simone Morley runs the Centre for Wellness & Fertility and is a regular speaker, writer and lecturer in the Health & Wellness Industry with 20 years clinical experience. A specialist in Women’s Health, Simone combines the best of science and nature to treat, nurture and empower women towards to a better state of wellbeing. Simone has helped and effectively treated 100’s of ‘de-vitalised’ women and believes we all have the power to unleash the energy within us.

 Re-energise -Birgitta

Birgitta Thorborg (Dip Fitness, Cert 3 & 4 in Fitness),originally from Sweden, with more than 10 years of experience in health and fitness. I opened New Fitness Personal Training Studio in January 2006 to provide my clients with the best possible expertise in health and fitness. I have been involved with hundreds of clients with all sorts of challenges over the years. I work side by side with Physiotherapist and Chiropractors to achieve wonderful results for my clients in health and wellness.

 Re-charge - Karen

Karen Galbraith has 19 years experience in the field of Natural Medicine, using the modalities of Remedial Massage, Kinesiology, Aromatherapy and Reflexology. After suffering migraine headaches for many years, she was treated using Reflexology and Aromatherapy which eliminated the Migraine, so began the journey into Natural Medicine. Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions, and works by soothing soft tissue and encouraging relaxation, stimulating the body’s own mechanism to heal. Combined with the healing properties of essential oils we are able to reduce stress and promote a more relaxed environment.

 Re-fresh - Imogen

Imogen Lamport (AICI CIP) is the author of 4 style books, a style blogger, international speaker and image consultant to many women just like you. She’s the mom of 2 young children who keep her on her toes and she knows the obstacles to looking stylish that you face every day. Her aim is to save you

For more information, send an email or phone: 0421 864 050

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