Health Magazine

Is It Ok to Lift Weights When Recovering from Pregnancy?

Posted on the 22 March 2016 by Dave Nevue

A mom asked me if it is ok to do light weights for arms while rehabilitating the postpartum stomach, so I thought it would be a good idea to write something about lifting weights during the rehabilitating process.

First I would like to emphasize that you should, as always, listen to what your doctor/care giver says about exercise after child birth. Besides that very important aspect, I would like to say the following. When you lift weights you normally engage the core muscles as well as the arm muscles (and other muscles). This can obviously be harmful to a weak and inactive postpartum stomach. When lifting things without the proper core support your belly is pushed out during the lift. So that's a good sign telling you that your body isn't ready for a certain lift and/or exercise. If you are able to feel your abdominal muscles from the inside (not by touching them), activate them, control them (including being able to control a potential diastasis recti) and use them properly you could likely do light weights for arms without harming your post-pregnancy stomach. Remember, be kind to your postpartum body!

//Nicole Hellgren

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