Tech Magazine
iOS 8 Beta 6 and iOS 8.0 Official Public Release Date Guesstimates.
Posted on the 15 August 2014 by Tokitechie @tokitechieFour weeks from now, Apple is going to release the anticipated iPhone 6 together with the newest version of iOS which is the iOS 8. As of the moment, iOS 8 is on its fifth beta build. iOS 8 beta 6 is expected to be released next week for final developers' testing before the release of its Golden Master build.
Looking at the time table between the release dates of iOS 6 and iOS 7 beta builds, iOS 6 took 100 days from the day one of its first beta build to iOS 6.0's official public release. The same number of days (100 days) spent for iOS 7 beta 1 to official iOS 7.0.
For iOS 8, the time between Beta 1 to Beta 2 is 15 days, Beta 2 to Beta 3 is 21 days, Beta 3 to Beta 4 is 14 days, and Beta 4 to Beta 5 is 14 days. To sum that up, the total testing time spent from iOS 8 Beta 1 to Beta 5 is already 64 days and 36 more days prior to the release of iOS 8 official. Today, August 16 PHT, is the eleventh day after iOS 8 beta 5 was seeded by Apple so we still have three days prior to the release of iOS 8 beta 6 and twenty five (25) days prior to the release of iOS 8.0. The 25th day will fall on September 10 (PHT) or September 9th PDT which is rumored to be the date of Apple's next media event for its new products.
Based on the above guesstimates, the release date of iOS 8 beta 6 is on August 19, 12:00 am (PHT) or August 18, 9:00 am (PDT) while the release date of iOS 8.0 is on September 10 (PHT) or September 9 (PDT).
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