Gestalt is another one of those great German nouns with a capital letter like Zeitgeist – “the spirit of the age or time.” Gestalt is defined as a sudden flash of mysterious knowledge or complete comprehension in which “the pieces of the puzzle all seem to come together that hits you hard out of nowhere”.
Intuition is pretty much the same thing except it also involves bodily sensations especially in particularly empathetic and feeling individuals such as females. Both words indicate a similarity between two things where two things with no obvious logical connection nevertheless nevertheless have some mysterious connection outside of logic that is hard to understand.
This indicates that these two things have an intuitive bond or Gestalt. Gestalt says that the two things have a certain “somethingness” about them, but you can’t put a finger on exactly what it is, and if someone asks you to explain it, you can’t.
Gestalt is one of those “I know it when I see it/sense it” things.