1. Mini Bio?
Hey, I'm Tiffeny! I'm 23 years old and live in Stockton On Tees with my parents, doggy & kitty cat :) I am a qualified beauty therapist, but I'm not currently working. I'm engaged to an amazing guy <3 Due to lack of funds we both still live with our parents. We have a hamser together named ruby, she's soo cute! I am obsessed with hello kitty, giraffes & the color pink but I hate spiders, ladybirds & going to the dentist :/ I have 7 tattoos & I will probably end up getting more eventhough I dislike most of the ones I already have. I don't have many friends because I find it hard to trust people, but the few I do have I love to bits. There's so many things I could say about myself, but I'd be here all day lol so if there's anything you want to know then ask, I won't bite ;)
2. Where can we find you?
3. What inspired you to want to start a blog?
After finding out I had been chosen to be part of the beauty hot 100 by more magazine, I saw that most of the other girls had blogs & it looked like fun, so I decided to give it a go :)
4. What are your favorite types of posts to blog about and why?
I like doing my random day to day posts, with lots of rambling going on! I just find that people seem to enjoy these posts the most and I love to write them :) 5. What are your 3 favorite beauty brands?
Avon, BarryM & YSL
6. What other blogs do you read?
Oh I read tons lol but my faves include :
http://www.islandgirlinsights.blogspot.com/ http://passionaboutfashion.blogspot.com/
7. How important do you feel guest blogging is?
Very important. It gives bloggers the chance to get to know eachother better & get more followers for thier blogs 8. Which would you pick, leaving the house with messy hair but makeup on OR with no makeup and nice hair?
Messy hair but makeup!
9. Where would you like to see your blog 6 months from now?
I'd like to see people still enjoying what i write :)
10. Lastly, how do you think blogging has changed or effected your life?
I've been through some hard times in my life recently & blogging has really kept my mind off things. I love the fact that people seem to care what I'm writing and It has given my confidence a real boost.
Thanks Tiffeny for doing this Interview, I'm looking forward to reading more of your great posts!
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