Hair & Beauty Magazine

Interviewing Silvana from Glitz Glam Budget

By Kellabella @kellabel
Interview with Silvana from Glitz Glam Budget
1. Mini Bio?
Hello I am a 27 year old gal who is addicted to all things beauty and fashion! During the day I work a typical 8-5 job, but my true calling is being a bargain hunter, finding good deals on beauty and fashion items! I’ve always had a love for makeup/beauty related items, as well as fashion, and finally I have found a new hobby and long term passion, which is blogging.
2. Where can we find you? Blog:
Twitter: @GlitzGlamBudget
3. What inspired you to start your blog? Well I love reading and writing in general, and I love sharing with others the awesome beauty & fashion bargains I find.  So after coming across several great blogs related to beauty & fashion bargain shopping, I decided to start a blog of my own. I wanted to start a blog so I can share with the world how to save money yet not having to compromise on the things you love.
4. What type of posts can we find on your blog? My blog consist of affordable beauty product reviews, fashion tips, bargain hauls, but also tips and advice on how to save money when it comes to all things beauty and fashion related. 
5. You've only been blogging for a few months and have gained a good amount of followers. How do you think you accomplished that? I like to interact with my readers and followers, so I comment a lot of other people’s blogs, also I think marketing yourself is very important, so I tweet my blog link a lot. I feel very blessed that people have been following and enjoy reading my blog, and I am actually quite surprised it has reached this many followers so quickly!
6. What are your 3 favorite makeup brands? This is such a tough question especially because I love a lot of different makeup brands, but if I had to only pick 3, I would say Wet n Wild, Almay, and E.L.F Cosmetics.  They are all very affordable drugstore products, but also of great quality.
7. You love finding a great bargain, who doesn't? Whats one of your best tips on bargain shopping? One of my best tips is to visit stores like the Dollar Tree/Dollar Store/Dollar General.  I am so surprised that people shy away from these stores, but quite honestly you can find some great deals, on good quality products, at a fraction of the price! I’ve been able to find drugstore cosmetics from brands such as Almay, ELF, Wet n Wild & Revlon, in addition I’ve also found hair products such as Got 2Be, Palmers, and Aussie….all for $1.
8. If you could tell people one reason why they should read your blog, what would it be? If you love a good deal and are a bargain shopper, then my blog is the perfect place for you to get a glimpse of how and where you can find awesome deals on beauty and fashion items!
9. What is your take on Sponsored Reviews?  I strongly believe as long as a blogger is providing their honest opinion then there is nothing wrong with sponsored reviews.  Regardless of whether a product is sponsored or not, my reviews and opinions on a product will always be the same, because I owe that to my readers and blog visitors.  I read a lot of blogs for the sole purpose of product review; I rely on these reviews to help me buy new products, so I definitely don’t mind bloggers doing sponsored reviews, as long as they are honest.
10. Lastly, where would you like to see your blog 6 months to a year from now? I would love for my blog to become the go-to place for beauty product reviews and fashion tips.  There are a handful of blogs that I’ve been a loyal reader to for a couple of years now, and I hope to one day be that blog where people will want to check every night for many years to come.
Thank you Salvia for doing ths interview. I enjoyed reading your answers and really like your blog. Keep up the good work!

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