GoGeomatics Canada is focusing on women in the Canadian geomatics community during the month of March. In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th GoGeomatics Magazine will feature interviews and articles by women about women in our field. Some contributors from last year will be coming back to share their thoughts on current issues relating to employment and leadership in geomatics, as well many new voices will be heard.

International Women’s Day has a very real meaning. In Canada and much of the western world it is often taken for granted the equal status that women hold in our society. However this is not the case in many other places around the world where women can face discrimination from the establishment and even within their own families. In many places they are taught by society, from day one, that they are inferior to men.
By sharing various stories and points of views from women in the Canadian geomatics community GoGeomatics aims to show that they are present and well accounted for in all areas of our society especially in the technical fields. As well by talking to women who are leaders in geomatics we let the world know that women in Canada are taking on challenges and issues of great importance.
Our month long focus is also a reminder that women matter to society. That they have the right to be heard, despite what governments, society, or families tell them in other parts of the world. GoGeomatics Canada believes that to remember and honor all the ways women make a difference in our community helps those who may yet struggle to reach the same level of acceptance and stature.
GoGeomatics hopes that you will join the Canadian geomatics community during the month of March by reading and engaging in the discussions that arise as we talk to other women in Canada about geomatics and their leadership in our community.
If you have a story or a point of view that you would like to share with the geomatics community in Canada please contact Deanna the GoGeomatics Community Manager.
Deanna Sokoloski <[email protected]>