Fitness Magazine

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

By Disneybrideandgroom
Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

Of all our many running adventures we had this year - we can honestly say some of the most memorable were with Magnus.  

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog
Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

We adopted this wacky guy in April this year, and as they say... hilarity ensued.

Magnus' veterinarian estimated his Date of Birth to be 12/24/2013. 

We will never been 100% certain, since he is a shelter rescue - but it sounds like a great day for a birthday! We are making sure he gets TWO days of presents - today for his birthday - and tomorrow for Christmas.

Magnus is first and foremost our sweet baby boy, but he is more than that.  He is:

  • our pillow
  • our personal bed-warming device
  • our wake up alarm
  • our daily running partner
  • our comic relief
  • our eater of leftovers
  • our bodyguard
  • our home alarm system
  • our trail buddy
  • our best friend

and Our Inspiration for philanthropy.

It is an amazing thing - to save a life, and when you rescue a shelter animal that is just what you are doing.  Adopting Magnus has inspired us to devote our time and talent to the rescue of other animals.

We are volunteering with two groups:

  • Fix Tallahassee - a political advocacy group working towards No Kill legislation in our community and throughout Florida.  No Kill advocacy is dedicated to electing officials that support this cause, and to passing laws requiring municipal shelters to stop all killing healthy or treatable animals. Central to the No Kill philosophy is that euthanasia is only for suffering and dying animals. To do this to a healthy or treatable animal = killing. No Kill has been successful in dozens of cities around the US, so it is a viable solution.
  • Tallahassee Pets Alive - a No Kill rescue group that takes in unwanted dogs and cats in the Tallahassee area. The animals are neutered, vetted, fostered, socialized, and made ready for adoption. Adoption events are hosted twice a week and as quickly as they get adopted, there are new animals coming in.

Discovering this passion for saving animals has been just incredible. 

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog
We have witnessed the extremes of humanity - those that are cruel to animals and those that are extremely kind and generous.  There is a lot of work to be done, of course: fundraising, the adoption events, coordinating the home visits and meet and greets, updating websites and social media, and of course - caring for the animals themselves.But here is the best part: a schedule full of play-dates and running-dates with our new furry friends in need of homes.Here is Zeke with DisneyGroom. This lovable guy is a FANTASTIC RUNNER. If there was a doggie division at our running events - Zeke would be in the elite group.  Muscular, tireless, and affectionate - he is one of our favorites.

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

These are brothers: Snoopy & Woodstock, 10 week old Aussie Cattle mix pups we are fostering for the long Christmas weekend.  Magnus is beside himself with excitement having these little guys visiting with us.

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

There has been only one downside to getting involved with animal rescue: We have become bad bloggers - with our all too infrequent posts.  So, in case you were wondering if we were still alive - yes, we are, but when we aren't at work or running, we are playing with PUPPIES!So this Christmas, we wish you and your families a happy holiday! And as we celebrate Magnus's birthday today, we are grateful for him in helping us find this new vocation - this passion for animal rescue.  We have two holiday wishes this year:1) To find forever homes for our rescues, and 2) That you, Dear Reader - find and follow your passion in 2015!So Happy 1st Birthday to our sweet boy

Inspired by Magnus the TrailDog

and Merry Christmas to you!

 ~DisneyBride & DisneyGroom

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