Entertainment Magazine

Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1

Posted on the 30 March 2015 by Donnambr @_mrs_b
Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1

Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1On Mondays I'll be taking part in Inspire Me Monday run by Create With Joy. Why not head on over to the site and see what's inspiring dozens of amazing and creative bloggers this week?

Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1
For years I've been intrigued by origami but never got around to taking that interest a step further. Then I saw a book with ten patterns and a stack of origami paper one day and decided to take the plunge. Mrs B's Origami Adventures will chart my journey from the basic models - along with all the misfolds, creases and questionable 'symmetry' - through to my ultimate goal of advanced designs and modular origami polyhedra.

Mrs B's Origami Adventures: Week One

This week saw me tackle the crane, the fox, the butterfly, the water lily and the iris. All of which need much more work. However, to begin with I just wanted to try a few different things, get used to the paper and the folds and the different techniques. I'm looking forward to practising these models a lot more over the coming months!

Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1
Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1
Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1
Inspire Me Monday: Mrs B’s Origami Adventures #1

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