I’m sorry I’ve been so MIA lately! So much has been going on and the blog went to the back burner. I know everyone goes through that and understands, so I won’t waste much time on it. I’ve got some great blog posts in the pipeline, so stay tuned for those. But this post is gonna be a quickie…

**Looking to take on a few more clients to my workload**
Would anyone be interested in training with me, either IN-PERSON or ONLINE, to include basic nutrition counseling as well? We can customize whatever type of program you’d be interested in, but I’d love to take on a few more clients! So if you have any questions and/or are interested, please do not hesitate to comment below or contact me directly at inanutshellnutrition [at] gmail [dot] com :)

I love foooooooood!
For Your Information…
I’m going to leave you guys with this lil’ tidbit because I just read a blog post which pointed me in the direction of this article about Quest Bars and I’ve got some mixed feelings about it. I know people who love them and I know people who hate them. I agree with points both sides make and can only make a personal choice for myself as to whether I want to eat them. I always find these types of articles, and the comments that follow, very interesting, so I thought it was worth a share :)