Is there such a word? I was reading today in the Word how being in fellowship with friends and others and also God-we learn how to be built up, and grow. We make more room for growth by allowing for friendships; and sometimes those friendships have a God-nature, if you will that comforts.
That's cool. It makes sense. I really didn't have a desire for friendships much when I was younger. Like in my twenties. I pretty much isolated myself and spent time with my first husband a lot. Well... not really. After we became kind of estranged in our marriage, I spent a lot of time line, actually. It wasn't until I was in my thirties that I bonded with two girlfriends who were friends by nature of my struggle and had similar concerns, as I.
They were raising children and I kind of admired their children and how they mothered and loved their children as my own, so I became family, with them and helped them. It was nice, since I didn't have children of my own, and I was considering that. That never really happened, having the children (for me), but I learned so much about mothering from them. So much about nurturing.
And how we "did life together "; ho wE fellowshipped together - a lot of time. spent together, talking about life, cooking, playing, talking about God together,, and eating together. Yes fellowshipping. Interactive with the children together- and watching them grow. This was over a period of eight to ten years or so.
I never thought much until now, about how I grew because of them. Their depth of character and their faith and friendship. There were times when I wasn't sure I could go on and they had this soothing, mothering nature that just knew I needed them. Their company and friendship, their love. Possibly no retry conscious to them, this was; yet oblivious to me. I was just trying to survive.
I never thought about how God used them. To provide an indwelling. (A motivating force for me.)

So yes, there is such a word. I looked it up. Indwelling means 'to provide a motivating or guiding force '- "to possess (a person), as a moral principle ...or as a motivating force." That's pretty deep. That it can work for us positively, or even negatively, depending upon whom we spend time with, and how often and how we low them to influence us . Yes, indwelling.
Indwelling forces. They are almost mysterious in several ways. I mean who thinks about them when they are happening?
Who tends to notice 'how we bond', when we are bonding, right? I didn't. Perhaps this is how and when I learned to receive from others. In my struggle. When I didn't understand what life was offering me, and I didn't want whatnot set before me. Perhaps in Gods awesome Grace I received friends and was taught invaluable life lessons. Perhaps. via friendships I survived. I yielded. I acquiesced.( I yielded without protesting.) Hmm...
Okay. So thanks God. For friendships then, and friendships now - and what I offer now, and was not fully aware I was being then, even. By nature of how my relationships have formed today, thank you for allowing me to mentor and nurture women today,
I am indwelling.
Providing a motivating force and guiding force for women, looking back and noticing what I needed, and revived and what helped me to survive. That's for the mentoring of me, so I could mentor today.
Yes. An indwelling.
Question: Where does your indwelling come from? Do you nurture it or ignore it? Are you even aware as to whether it exists?