Politics Magazine

Indonesia, Destroyed by the Washington Model

Posted on the 01 December 2013 by Calvinthedog


The Washington Model is free market fundamentalism often combined, if necessary, initially with mass murder or genocide against the Left and then with a fascist, far rightwing military dictatorship or elite rule via a fake democracy with military backing and a coup on hand in case things get out of control. Random terror is served up now and again to keep the people in line. But it mostly the memory of the slaughters that keeps people afraid to step out of line.

The arts are destroyed, the intellectuals and artists killed. Public education and health are eviscerated. Nothing is spent on infrastructure while cities over-ripen, molder and fall apart. Pollution is out control. Society is corrupt to the core. A criminal capitalist elite runs society for its own benefit, sharing nothing with anyone else while selling out the nation to foreign carpetbagging corporations, often American ones, who loot the homeland to further enrich wealthy Americans while the people of the nation fester in overflowing slums. Trickle down economics and a rising tide lifts all boats is preached to the masses. A massive propaganda campaign sets in to brainwash the masses into the economics of the rich.

Indonesia is simply one more nation in a long list destroyed by Uncle Satan.

Meanwhile, Latin America is freeing itself from the grips of the United Snakes and their own country-selling elites. True patriots, usually socialists are taking over, spreading education and health care to the people and redistributing the nation’s wealth, previously hoarded by a tiny grasping elite, into the hands of the masses of working people. There is an explosion of the arts. The power of the military is waning. New forms of popular and democratic media are blossoming. Slums are being upgraded and even dismantled. Huge housing projects attempt to move the poor out of their shantytowns into bright, shining new government housing.

In Washington, this is known as the threat of a good example. Both political parties and the entire US corporate media are working overtime to brainwash Americans against the new Latin American rebels. The slaves are freeing themselves and their slavemasters, the Yankees, are pissed.

It’s a bright new morning in Latin America. In Indonesia and elsewhere, lands of the American Model, an eternal dusk envelops the land.

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