Politics Magazine

Indians Pakistanis Attitudes Towards Each Other

Posted on the 05 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

hateindia writes:

I am an Indian, and I can easily say Pakistanis are a lot, lot, lot better. Sure, their Government sucks (which even they realize), but the people are good. They don’t have an inherent blackened, evil hatred for Indians as Indians do for Pakistanis. Indians hate everyone but Pakistanis are their Numero Uno targets. These delusional, dumb fucks have a collective IQ of a single digit…

I have known many Pakistanis, and for the most part they could give a flying fuck about India. You ask them about India, and their attitude is, “So what? Who cares about them?” They never talk about India, ever. They simply do not care anything about India. Now, the elites and the state may be different, and the people I know are not Islamist nuts, so the Islamists may well talk differently.

We have some Pakistanis around here, and with the exception of two Pakistani Christians (the most evil South Asians in my town!), they are pretty much good people. Most around here are Punjabi Muslims from Pakistan. They could care less about religion, politics or anything like that, and they work right alongside the Punjabi Sikhs from India! I ask them if they get along with each other and the Sikhs, “Say sure, we get along fine.”

I have talked to some of these Pakistanis about Pakistan, but most Pakistanis have this attitude of, “Pakistan is shit.” If you start putting down Pakistan, they just nod their heads and say, “Yes, we know our country blows. Anyone knows that.” They seem to be implying, “Why the Hell do you think we came over here?” Pakistanis are some of the least nationalistic people I have ever met. They all hate their country and think it sucks!

I do not think your average Pakistani is as religious as people think. The ones in the US are anything but Islamist nuts. They never talk about Islam for one second, and they never try to convert you, which most good Muslims will try to do.

Indian hatred for Pakistan is utterly off the charts! It is something weird and bizarre. I hate to invoke Godwin, but it almost reminds me of how Nazis talk about Jews. The Indian hate for Pakistan and all things Pakistani is extreme and feels unhinged and deranged. When Indians start talking about Pakistan, I feel like recoiling backwards in shock.It literally takes you aback like that. That’s the impression they give off.

As soon as you say the words, “Pakistan,” or “Kashmir,” almost all Indians start to flip out, get red in the face, raise their voices, start pounding on tables and act like they are going to hit someone. Their attitude about Pakistan is downright scary.

And some of the smarter or more Hindutva ones seem to have a tic about Pakistan the same way Nazis do about Jews. Every five minutes they are talking about Pakistan. Everyone who hates India is a secret Pakistani! I have been called a Pakistani so many times I cannot keep count. Every time someone criticizes India, they change the subject to, “Yeah, but what about Pakistan? Hey but what  about Islam?! Wait let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about Muslims instead.”

The only conclusion that I drew from talking to many Indians about Pakistan is that on this subject, most Indians are simply completely insane and cannot be reasoned with at all. They also seem brainwashed. If you try to talk facts with them about Kashmir for instance, it’s clear that 95% of Indians have no idea what they are talking about and apparently either know almost nothing about Kashmir or just about everything they have been told about it is some crazy lie. They all say that all Kashmiris love India and hate Pakistan and none of them want to secede. They all say this. They actually believe that!

In fact, according to them, there are no Kashmiris who want independence. None. 0%. The only problem in Kashmir is some Pakistani invaders who sneak in and try to start an insurgency in order to annex Kashmir to Pakistan. The problem with that theory is that only ~6% of Kashmiris want to join Pakistan. Support for independence was ~90% in the early 1990’s, but decades of repression has taken its toll. Nevertheless, ~50% or more Kashmiris are definitely pro independence.

These Indians didn’t pop out of the womb hating Pakistan like that. I assume that there must be some extreme and intense Pakistani hatred brainwashing that goes on in Indian society, probably via the schools, the media and God knows what else.

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