Arts & Crafts Magazine

In Which I Get the Iron Out. And Photograph Some Tins

By Lakota @FHCShopping
Not many interesting finds recently, I've been doing boring essential shopping for school uniform instead. Much as I hate the fact that 'Back to School' signs are in the shops before they've even broken up, I know from bitter experience that if you leave the buying of new uniform until September then you'll be sending your 7 year old back to class in a bottle green pleated skirt when the required uniform is gray. And your 7 year old is a boy. I am now feeling smug, having also labelled everything, packed gym bags and put it all away. And I repaired some trousers where the hem was falling down. Domestic goddess or what? This is the first time I've used an iron in about 6 months - Bondaweb, no need to get needles out unnecessarily - prompting Boy2 to comment that "I thought you were no good at that Mummy". Ironing is one of the few things I allow him to think that Daddies are better at doing. It's ultimately for the benefit of woman kind.
Anyway, finding the Bondaweb meant getting the button tin out, which reminded me I found a few more tins which I hadn't photographed. So, here you go:
In which I get the iron out. And photograph some tinsToffee tins - Carriage and Birds of Paradise£1 each
In which I get the iron out. And photograph some tins60s Swinging London biscuit tin - now housing my buttons50p house clearance shop
In which I get the iron out. And photograph some tinsThe toffee tins were also full of buttons when I bought them
In which I get the iron out. And photograph some tinsThese were my favourites - very iron-age couture
Now I've done school related things I need to resist the siren call of the Olympics and sort out the rest of the house. Having children in it rather messes with my usual system of lounging around eating grapes all day.
Lakota x
I'm linking up with Liz's Magpie Monday, pop over and see what everyone else has found. And don't forget my Ta-dah! Tuesday tomorrow, where you can link up your best achievements, gorgeous outfits, interesting ideas and crafty makes. Or just read everyone else's for inspiration.

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