Creativity Magazine

In Other News

By Vickilane
In Other News
On Monday, Mr. Blue Elephant, faithful companion to Josie, suffered multiple wounds and lacerations as the result of an unprovoked attack by a playful young hound.

"Of course, since I'm a stuffie, it didn't hurt," said the stoic pachyderm," but my ears were trimmed, and I was afraid that my tail was gone forever. Luckily though, Josie's grandfather found it under the sofa."

In Other News
Also fortunate was the fact that the attack occurred at the home of world-renowned stuffie surgeon, Dr. Mee Ma (no relation to the world-renowned cellist.) Admitting that the perpetrator of this dastardly act was her dog, Dr. Ma rallied all her skills to reconstruct the savaged stuffie.

'It was kinda like a three -dimensional jig saw puzzle," she said, "and some pieces were gone forever. But I managed to sew up the gaping wounds in the head and trunk and reattach the feet and tail. The ears...well, the ears aren't what they were--rather more streamlined, rather more Indian elephant than African."Mr. Elephant says that he is pleased with the results of the surgery. "I think the new configuration of the ears makes me look more dashing. And I'm very happy to have the tail back where it belongs."When asked how he thought his young friend would react to his changed appearance, Mr. Elephant only smiled. Then he reminded your reporter that he and Josie had weathered a previous attack that had left him with a shortened leg and mismatched ears."As the Bard says in Sonnet 116," the sage stuffie reminded us, "Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds."

In Other News


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