Family Magazine

In Celebration of Make Your Dreams Come True Day

By Richlymiddleclass @richlymiddlecla

We all have lots of dreams…winning the lottery, becoming rich and famous, or even as simple as having a house with a white picket fence or beating your sales goals for the month.

So, in honor of this special day, let’s celebrate: Make Your Dreams Come True Day.  

in sky

Celebrated every year on January 13, this fun holiday gives you the opportunity to think about and make strides toward your personal  goals.  Spend some time today to think about what you would like to accomplish in your life.  Make a dream or bucket list, put a collage board together with pictures from magazines or books.  Do what it takes to inspire you.  Make a dream plan.  If you have someone special in your life, ask him or her for support.  With a little bit of faith, hard work and dedication, dreams really DO and CAN come TRUE!

I have a dream

 To accomplish great things, we must not only act,

but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

Anatole France

Cheers, Heather!

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