Debate Magazine

Imprisoned Student Activist: Ali-Akbar Mohammdzadeh

Posted on the 04 August 2011 by Nima Ch. (dustandtrash) @dustandtrash
Imprisoned Student Activist: Ali-Akbar Mohammdzadeh Student Activist, Ali-Akbar Mohammadzadeh
Introduction - This is Ali-Akbar Mohammadzadeh, the 22 years old head of the Islamic Association of Sanati-Sharif University. Actually, Islamic Associations are normal student organizations and have nothing to do with Islam anymore. The organizations were called Islamic after the Islamic Revolution. Since the members were elected and generations changed by time, the members and ideas changed, but the name didn't.
Ali Akbar's friends call him Alak (from Ali and Akbar). After the rigged Iran Election 2009, the government arrested many students and tried to forbid all the Islamic Associations and other student organizations, except Bassij-Student organizations, in the universities. Alak was one of those who didn't give up the fight and almost lonely, he organized many student meetings.
Ali-Akbar Mohammadzadeh was arrested on 15 February 2011, a day after an anti-government protest in Tehran. He has spent 54 days of his imprisonment in solitary. 
About 160 graduates of Sanati-Sharif university and  more than 200 supporters have signed a letter on the head of judiciary and ask him to end Ali-Akbar Mohammadzadeh's illegal detention. The letter,  translated by Banooye Sabz, is as follows:
"We, a group of students at Sanati Sharif (Sharif University of Technology), protest the long term imprisonment of our classmates. We are of the opinion that all student activities on campus should be subject to the rules and regulations of the university itself and that any involvement by external institutions will only lead to the violation of the university’s independence.
We believe the long term imprisonment of Mr. Mohammadzadeh to be illegal and demand with all due respect that our colleague’s right to due process and justice be observed in a court of law. The student body at Sharif University of Technology impatiently awaits the return of its classmate Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh to campus."
Please join the Facebook page "Release Ali-Akbar Mohammadzadeh" .
foot note:
Imprisoned journalists will get support by journalist associations such as reporters without borders. Imprisoned lawyers will get support by some lawyers' association. But who will support students? There are some students such as Majid Tavakkoli who has been supported globally. But isn't he an exception? Let us make other imprisoned student famous, too. May be as a Blogger game?
If you like the idea, you can introduce one infamous student activist (You can e.g. use this link on daneshjoonews) and send me a link of your introduction. You can also ask other Bloggers to play this game. For the beginning, I ask two of my great friends, persianbanoo and Liss, both of them human rights Green Movement activists.
If the game/action is successful, I will make a new page, list the name of students, and link them to your post.

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