imPRESS Manicure
imPRESS Manicure by Broadway Nails is a new product of stick-on-nails to hit the shops in America (you can find out where here)! They haven't yet come to England nor do they have an online shop, so i am intrigued to test out this new product. If you read my blog you will have seen that these nails arrived in my February Glossy Box which you can look at here. I was really unsure about these when they arrived as i imagined myself back as a 10 year old buying £1 stick on nails with my pocket money and i thought to myself they never worked back then surely they can't work now! So i was really disappointed to find out i had this item in my Glossy Box especially because these products are meant to be luxury!. I hate to say it but i was wrong.. Read on for how to apply and my final verdict.

Prepping and applying them was no problem at all, if you remember how to do them from when you were younger you can do it blindfolded! They are stupidly simple to apply and to my surprise they feel really strong on my nail like they have been glued on. I have currently been wearing them for a day not only do they feel strong but they also haven't even lifted. On the packaging they claim that if applied properly they will last up to a week, I can't see why not, Hopefully they do. The nails come at a hefty price of £17.40. I can't bring myself to pay that much because at the end of the day they are fake nails, i would much rather pay for clear ones and paint them myself. So unfortunately i won't be re-purchasing but if you are interested in buying it is a great product. 8/10Thanks for reading Leigh xo