Monday, February 19 - 12.06 mi bike
Time: 9:05pm, Duration: 52:45, Avg Speed: 13.7, Loc: Indoor Trainer, Felt: leg stabilizer muscles sore from yesterday's run
Tuesday, February 20 - Rest
Wednesday, February 21 - Rest
Thursday, February 22 - 5.5 mi run + strength + 1600 yd swim
Time: 6:50pm, Duration: 55:24, Avg Pace: 10:05, Loc: Treadmill, Felt: tired of the treadmill
Strength: Strong Phase 1 Stage 2 Workout A, Time: 7:52pm, Duration: 41:26, Felt: new workout moves, yay!
Time: 8:37pm, Duration: 33:38, Avg Pace: 1:54, (500WU, 6 x100 hard, 200 drills, 200 moderate, 100WD), Felt: excited about seeing improvement in my 100 times
Friday, February 23 - 12.3 mi bike
Time: 5:30am, Duration: 50:04, Avg Speed: 14.7, Loc: Indoor trainer, Felt: tired and wished I was in bed instead
Saturday, February 24 - 23.0 mi bike
Time: 6:06pm, Duration: 1:33:24, Avg Speed: 14.8, Loc: Indoor Trainer, Felt: fine
Sunday, February 25 - 8.5 mi run
Time: 2:11pm, Duration: 1:23:25, Avg Pace: 9:49, Felt: great! little windy but able to run negative splits
Totals - 7 sessions, 62 miles, 6:50 time
- 1 swim, 1600 yds, 0:41
- 3 rides, 47.4 mi, 3:16
- 2 runs , 14.0 mi, 2:18
- 1 strength, 0:41
Tuesday, February 27 - 5 mi run w/ Holly
Time: 7:10pm, Duration: 54:53, Avg Pace: 10:58, Loc: Neighborhood, Felt: legs felt like dead weights, even Holly wasn't into it
Wednesday, February 28 - 14.5 mi bike
Time: 7:47pm, Duration: 1:00:31, Avg Speed: 14.4, Loc: Indoor trainer, Felt: hungry
Thursday, March 1 - Rest
Friday, March 2 - 11 mi bike + 3 mi run + 2250yd swim
Time: 6:44am, Duration: 45:20, Avg Speed: 14.6, Loc: Indoor trainer, Felt: determined to get the ride in even though I got up late
Time: 6:28pm, Duration: 29:42, Avg Pace: 9:56, Loc: Neighborhood, Felt: underdressed
Time: 8:09pm, Duration: 47:20, Avg Pace: 1:52, (6x50 easy, 6x100 alt. 1-arm pull and free, 9x150), Felt: rushed for time at the end bc the gym closes at 9
Saturday, March 3 - strength + 1900yd swim
Strength: Strong Phase 1 Stage 2 Workout B, Time: 7:14am, Duration: 32:10, Felt: fine
Time: 7:53am, Duration: 41:47, Avg Pace: 2:02, (6x50 easy, 6x100 alt. 1-arm pull and free, 5x200), Felt: good
Sunday, March 4 - 8 mi run w/ Holly
Time: 9:17am, Duration: 1:20:31, Avg Pace: 10:04, Loc: Cascade, Felt: hills are hard!
Totals - 8 sessions, 44 miles, 6:32 time
- 2 swims, 4150 yds, 1:29
- 2 rides, 25.5 mi, 1:46
- 3 runs , 16.0 mi, 2:45
- 1 strength, 0:32
Monday, March 5- RestTuesday, March 6 - RestWednesday, March 7 - 3.5 mi run + strength + 11 mi ride Time: 8:00pm, Duration: 36:37, Avg Pace: 10:27, Loc: Treadmill, Felt: bored by treadmill Strength: Strong Phase 1 Stage 2 workout A, Time: 8:42pm, Duration: 30:56, Felt: good Time: 9:45pm, Duration: 54:34, Avg Speed: 12.1, Loc: Indoor trainer, Felt: legs were tired after other workoutsThursday, March 8 - 3 mi run + 1800yd swim Time: 8:19pm, Duration: 31:41, Avg Pace: 10:34, Loc: treadmill, Felt: major DOMS from lunges in the glutes and legs Time: 9:03pm, Duration: 40:15, Avg Pace: 1:51, (4x50 easy, 4x50 pull buoy, 4x50 kick, 4x300 moderate), Felt: good!Friday, March 9 - RestSaturday, March 10 - 28.5 mi ride + strength + 1600yd swim Time: 2:49pm, Duration: 2:00:34, Avg Speed: 14.2, Loc: indoor trainer, Felt: good, legs still a little sore from strength Strength: Strong Phase 1 Stage 2 Workout B, Time: 5:36pm, Duration: 31:31, Felt: legs tired after bike Time: 6:17pm, Duration: 31:38, Avg Pace: 1:51, (400WU, 1000 test hard, 100WD), Felt: smooth and strongSunday, March 11 - 8 mi run (4 with Matt and Holly) + 10.1 mi ride + yoga Time: 10:20am, Duration: 1:19:38, Avg Pace: 9:57, Loc: Pine Dunes FP, Felt: working hard to run through the sloppy path Time: 9:38pm, Duration: 45:03, Avg Speed: 13.4 mph, Loc: Indoor Trainer, Felt: easy recovery Time: 10:30pm, Duration: 23:00, Yoga for Cyclists by Yoga by Adriene, Felt: good to stretch glutes and hips
Totals - 11 sessions, 66 miles, 8:45 time
- 2 swims, 3400 yds, 1:12
- 3 rides, 49.6 mi, 3:40
- 3 runs , 14.5 mi, 2:28
- 2 strength, 1:02
- 1 yoga, 0:23
- 8 swims, 13350 yds, 4:48
- 13 rides, 197.8 mi, 13:46
- 14 runs, 77.0 mi, 12:55
- 5 strength, 5:11
Waiting to lick the salt off my legs
Notes:- It's been a few weeks, hasn't it?! Ironman training takes up a lot of time!
- My husband has been traveling a lot for work lately (currently on the third week in a row!). It's a lot to manage on my own but I'm (sort of) making it work. Sometimes though, I stand in front of the open fridge door and wonder what the heck I am going to eat and then I get sad there is no food I want to eat in there. How did I do this when we weren't living together -- oh yeah, I ate cereal for dinner regularly. I'll be glad when he is traveling less again and can walk the dog instead of me :)
- I'm really happy with how my fitness is coming along. My running pace is getting faster!
- I was so glad so have a recovery week, I even got to take a nap on the couch one night! I needed it as I was pooped!
- 129 days to go!