Hair & Beauty Magazine

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

By Makeupguineapig @MakeUpGuineaPig

Well, another year, another IMATS. That’s right, I spent this past weekend at the NYC IMATS. If you’re unfamiliar with this increasingly popular event, it stands for International Makeup Artists Trade Show, and it happens around the globe at various points throughout the year (click here for more info). Since I’m not a makeup artist, I am thrilled that it is still open to the public because it means I can attend! J There are speakers of all sorts on tons of different topics and, particularly in NYC, there are ton of vendors that are difficult to find in person, and often more theatrical in nature. It’s a really fun event filled with makeup professionals, bloggers, YouTubers and makeup enthusiasts from all over. If you ever have a chance to go to one, I’d recommend trying to go just for the experience!
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics
This year the tickets sold out pretty quickly. Fortunately I ordered a 2-day pass relatively early and was able to attend both days! I had a great time, though it was so crowded! I’m not a huge fan of crowds and I don’t like waiting in line, but if that’s what it takes to get around at IMATS, so be it! J
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics
I’m going to start with Sunday because I didn’t simply wait in lines all day. I left the house a bit later than I had planned and then ran into more traffic than I expected (yup, I prefer driving to NYC over a train!). The timing worked out really well though because right as I got there, Liza from Makeup Matters by LNC was just sitting down for lunch with her cousin. That made for a perfect chance to finally meet in person! J Liza’s even nicer than I imagined, if that’s possible! J So we had a chance to chat for a bit and then wandered around the Stila booth before parting ways. It was so nice meeting a fellow cruelty free blogger and, since I seem to go everywhere by myself, it was nice to have someone else to chat with for a bit.

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Liza from Makeup Matters by LNC and me

In addition to Liza, I managed to stumble across a few YouTubers. I spotted Rachel from RachhLoves from afar because she is quite tall and thin, which tends to stand out in a crowd. I think she was waiting for someone else, but she was just standing by herself, so I decided to go say hello. I just recently started watching her videos and I really like her natural, easy, sometimes goofy way of talking. She was incredibly nice and friendly and I was quite proud of myself for saying hi. I feel pretty uncomfortable talking to new people, and I feel really awkward talking to people who have some sort of following. I know that they’re just normal people and I want to respect their privacy. I was proud of myself for overcoming my shyness though and it encouraged me to keep going!

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

FleurDeForce & Stefanie from EleventhGorgeous in back

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Stefaine & Tracy from EleventhGorgeous

A bunch of YouTubers were gathered in that little area, I assume because they were told to use that space for meeting people. I saw missglamorazzi, but didn’t have a chance to say hi. She’s so tiny! J I also saw GlamLifeGuru, who I’m not that familiar with and TalkBeckyTalk who seems like a fun girl, but I didn’t chat with any of them either. I managed to get a picture taken with Tracy and Stefanie (did I spell that correctly?) from eleventhgorgeous and felt like a complete idiot – plus I blinked! I tend to get anxious in situations like that and I have no idea what I’m saying, so who knows what actually came out of my mouth. I’m pretty sure that they thought I had no idea who they were! J Next, I snagged FleurDeForce who is actually one of my favorite YouTubers. She just seems like a cool girl, though much more fashion-conscious than I. I actually really enjoy her blog more than her videos, though I love her videos too. Again, I have no idea what I said, but I do remember mentioning that I took my blog name from something she said once in a video – true story!  I had someone take my picture with her and her eyes are so big, that mine look like little specks in comparison! J I look really weird in both pictures, but so be it. I overcame my slight fear of approaching them, so I’m proud of myself.

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Me with FleurDeForce

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Me blinking with Stefanie & Tracy from Eleventh Gorgeous

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Tati from Glam Life Guru

The rest of Sunday, I just wandered around and stood in a few lines again. I didn’t buy much on Sunday, partly because the vendors I went to were sold out of a lot of things! So, on to Saturday….

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Wolfe Face Art & FX - so pretty!

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Bdellium Tools Green Bambu (Sunday)

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Bdellium Tools Pink Bambu (Sunday)

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics


Saturday I spent wandering around and shopping. Shopping was standing in really long lines in hopes of making it to testers, only to then wait some more to place an order! J I knew what I wanted to look at and looked around to see which booths would be easiest to navigate first. So, I started with Bdellium Tools because I love their brushes!!! J They were mobbed, but I really wanted to get there before the popular brushes were gone, so I waited and it was not too hard to find what you wanted. I tried to take pictures, but it was so difficult to get close to some of the booths that I didn’t do a very good job. Like I said, I didn’t really listen to any of the presentations, which I’m a bit mad at myself about. I saw Beauty Broadcast, or EmilyNoel83 from YouTube, but didn’t say hello. Her husband is so tall and she’s so tiny! J But he made it impossible to miss her! She was busy shopping, so I wanted to let her actually have a chance to browse, plus there is my aforementioned fear of approaching people. J And that was pretty much Saturday. Bags full, wallet much lighter! J

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Lit Cosmetics - stunning glitters!

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Lit Cosmetics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

OCC Airbrush Makeup

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

OCC Nail Polish

If you’re interested in what I bought, I can try to do a haul as well, but it may be pretty long! Let me know if you’re interested in a haul post in the comments. I will tell you the places I purchased things from were: Bdellium Tools – mostly Pink Bambu brushes Cailyn Inglot – I bought a ton there and they were out of most of what I wanted to add on Sunday! OCC Makeup (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) Stila – the discounts weren’t much better than 20% off coupons at Sephora or Ulta, so I decided to wait a bit
I think that’s it! But, like I said, I bought a lot at Inglot and Bdellium.
So that’s pretty much my IMATS NYC 2013 experience in a nutshell! The highlight was definitely meeting Liza from Makeup Matters by LNC. I hope anyone else who went had a great time, and if you ever have a chance to make it to an IMATS, I would definitely recommend going at least once! It’s an interesting and fun experience. I can’t wait for next year! J
Amazing makeup looks being done around the venue:
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Some stunning Student Competitors work from Saturday - Fantasy / Beauty: 
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

Some amazing Student Competitors work from Sunday - Character / Prosthetic
IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS NYC 2013 Experience!!! - TONS & TONS of Pics

IMATS 2013 Experience!!! TONS Pics

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