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IKEA Strawberry Planter

By Sowanddipity @Sowanddipity

IKEA Strawberry Planter

Recognize this IKEA item? Sure you do! I think it's entirely possible every household in North America has one of these white baskets designed to hold all those plastic shopping bags we collect.

While walking through IKEA the other day, I spotted these and an idea hit me...

'Hey! That would make the perfect vertical strawberry planter basket!'

And you know what, it does. I don't think this is what IKEA had in mind when they designed it, but it's the perfect strawberry planter in every way! Check out how quickly I put this together.

I decided to do more videos this year to share my adventures in gardening. I did a recent post on an Edible Flower Garden Design where I demonstrate how I used chives to create a garden border. You can check out that post here:

IKEA Strawberry Planter

And here's the video for the chives:

Now let's get on to that IKEA Strawberry Planter. I made this vertical planter in minutes! It's perfect for a small space garden, a patio or even a fence post! I demonstrate all the steps in this video:

Hope you loved this IKEA hack idea! If comic bubbles were visible, then I had a light bulb in mine as I was leaving with my basket from the store that day. Have fun putting this together and remember:

When it comes to plants, think outside the pot!

Don't miss a post, I have a ton of cool ideas I can't wait to share this spring. Subscribe below!

IKEA Strawberry Planter

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