Life Coach Magazine

If You Could See as Jesus Sees: Inspiration for a Life of Hope, Joy, and Purpose by Elizabeth Oates

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

If You Could See as Jesus Sees: Inspiration for a Life of Hope, Joy, and Purpose by Elizabeth OatesIf You Could See as Jesus Sees: Inspiration for a Life of Hope, Joy, and Purpose Published by Shiloh Run Press on January 1, 2016
Genres: Personal Growth, Religious, Spirituality
Pages: 256
Format: eBook

This brand-new inspiring read from author and speaker, Elizabeth Oates, is written for women who have struggled with self-worth and self-esteem. Whether you’ve grown up in a dysfunctional family or simply have bought into the lies sold by today’s media, If You Could See as Jesus Sees promises hope. . .joy. . .a life of purpose. . .and more, while offering you a brand-new look at just who your Savior created you to be in this world. As you begin to see yourself through the lens of the Master Creator–through His lens of beauty, love, forgiveness, and mercy–you will begin to feel differently about yourself. A true life-changer!

I loved the cover of this book and I loved what the cover said: “Inspiration for a Life of Hope, Joy, and Purpose”.  How awesome is that? After reading this book, I can say that not only do I love the cover, I love the pages in between too! I always love any help and guidance I can get in the areas of Hope, Joy and Purpose!

If you are a woman driven by shame, or if you have feelings about your own inadequacy or incompetency, or if you think you are unforgivable or unloveable, this book is for you. If you experience self-loathing of any kind – such as hating that one “something” about yourself or if you have feelings of being ugly, this book is for you. If you’re like me and you are always comparing yourself to others to measure your own worth, than this book is for you too. This book tells us that none of these feelings are familiar among many Christian women and that there is a way to defeat those feelings and to provide us with the tools necessary to share God’s love. 

As you begin to see yourself through His lens of beauty, love, forgiveness, and mercy–you will begin to feel differently about yourself. It will also challenge you to love others as Jesus loves them in the most subtle yet inspiring way. Using relevant examples, humor, and the Bible, the author, Elizabeth Oates, shows us exactly who we are and shares the truth of who we are in Christ.

When we see ourselves as God sees us, it is then that we can truly be the women He intends for each of us to be. If You Could See as Jesus Sees is an excellent book for us as women – as daughters, mothers and sisters in Christ. 

Ms. Oates provides us with the necessary scripture to prove exactly how Jesus sees us and how He has seen us even since before we were born. This book gives us exactly what the cover promises to do – to provide us with inspiration for a life of hope, joy and purpose drawing from the strength that we find in Jesus.  The book is written with ten chapters outlining ten key points and gives us personal reflection questions and group reflection questions at the end of each chapter. Because of the style of this book, it lends itself to be used as an individual study or a group study book.


About the Author:  Growing up, Elizabeth Oates was the child of multiple divorces, addiction, abuse, abandon, and general dysfunction. Yet, over the years, God has taught her that she is more than her broken family tree . . . she is a child of God. Elizabeth went on to earn her undergrad degree from Baylor University and her M.A. in Christian Education with a focus in Marriage and Family Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. She currently lives an embarrassingly cliché life in suburbs of Waco, Texas (sic ’em Bears!) with her husband, her three bio kids and one foster child, who they are on track to adopt in 2016. You can read more from Elizabeth at

I was provided with a complimentary digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and unbiased opinion.


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