...it's the mom. Sorry for not posting in ages but I have been sick. If it's not your kids being sick, it's you. So no exercise and no blogging for several days. But now I'm back! I had some stomach flu, which is the worst, I know, but the good thing is that I lost some weight ; ). Always something to feel happy about. My husband was a perfect partner these days. He took the kids out, let me sleep, let me watch a bunch of episodes of Orange Is the New Black, (available on Netflix) how come I've not seen it before??!! It's so good! Sometimes I find the main character Piper a bit lame, but there are so many wonderful characters in there, Red for example. I just love her!
But no more sickness. Enough is enough. Monday means new week, new possibilities. So let's get started!
This is Red by the way. How can you resist a woman like that : )
//Nicole Hellgren