Once , when I was in South Africa, I was exhorting a class on their King & Queendom history and saying how proud I was to finally be on African soil, because I was now home. And I told them how I felt it was a privilege to meet them, and how mi h they were blessing my life to be present with them. A young lady spoke up in this class with while teaching & proudly informed me - quite "prophetically" and ingeniously that "We are all Trees." She was speaking to our strength and endurance as an African people and speaking very proudly of her heritage and inheritance. Every since this day occurred in May of 2003; I haven't been the same.
I stand a little taller, I teach a little firmer, I smile a lot more, and I speak up for myself. I haven't lost my voice. These four words have transformed my life. And perhaps it's why I love trees so much .
One day while in the woods in Tulsa, Oklahoma- I merged two photos and this photo came to be. I believe spiritually, it was a reminder of my Strength, Resiliency. Depth, and Virtue . I'll never be the same .