Politics Magazine

Identity Politics Is Simply the Egotism, Selfishness, and Hypocrisy of Groups of Individual Identities Writ Large

Posted on the 16 December 2018 by Calvinthedog

Rahul: They should be- according to their anti-gay discrimination rhetoric (totally acceptable). They say “you can’t change your sexuality”, which you can’t. According to that logic, you can’t change the sexual orientation of a heterosexual!

LOL! The gays are liars! Don’t you know how it works? All gays are permanently gay for all of time because they were born that way, but all straight people can turn gay anytime we want to. We just have to wake up one day when we are 40 or 50 and “realize that we are gay.” Can gay people wake up one day at age 40 and “realize that they are straight?” Well, of course not! Homosexuality is a one-way street like Islam. Anyone can sign up but once you are on the team, you can’t leave. It’s a great way to grow a religion,  a sexual orientation,  or really anything.

Gays are complete hypocrites, just like all humans really. Gay Politics weaponizes that hypocrisy and makes it dangerous to the body politic by injecting the inherent irrationality of egocentric hypocrisy into the political conversation. Hence, politics becomes tainted with egotism, and policy questions devolve into which group gets their egotism and hypocrisy rewarded and which doesn’t.

Which is irrational Identity Politics in a nutshell of course. IP is simply the selfish and hypocritical egotism of the collective egos of identity groups writ large and magnified on nationwide scales.

Let me give you an example. Homosexuals typically have ego-driven hypocritical goals like most humans do. This isn’t so much a problem because we humans can usually identify when people are full of their usual hypocritical egotistical crap and call them on it. In fact, that’s what a large of part of this thing called “society” boils down to: calling each other out on our egotistical Game Theorizing.

But Gay Politics acts as an entity, as a single psychological mind. Gay Politics has a psyche complete with ego, defense mechanisms, the whole nine yards. Now the collective egotism and selfish hypocrisy of millions of gays all across the land becomes weaponized as a single mind entity (a “politics”) and is used to influence decision-making.

As usual, the collective selfish, ego-driven and hypocritical BS of these groups gets transformed into altruistic arguments the same way that humans often reframe our egotistical BS in altruistic or pure terms in order to get away with our interpersonal scamming better. “Interpersonal scamming” on a large scale is another good way to define this thing called “society” because that’s often what it boils down to.

Hence, projects that are simply the selfish, ego-driven hypocritical lousiness of some IP group get reframed as pure and altruistic, and everyone who opposes these IP power grabs gets vilified and called a bigot or basically a Nazi.

Nowadays a “Nazi” is often just someone calling out some greedy IP group on their latest attempt to scam society for their own benefit. In order to be a good person, you have to sit back and let one IP group after another basically scam society to drive their own collective egos. The good person in modern society is anyone willing to let some pissant IP group get away with murder at the expense of the rest of us.

I am picking on teh geyz here, but they’re no different than another sleazy IP group. They’re out for what’s good for them and the Hell with the rest of us, which is all every single IP group out there is doing.

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