Fitness Magazine

I Workout To.....

By Laurenegeorge
Happy Workout Wednesday,

For most workout Wednesdays, I post a workout, a new playlist, or a workout video, but today, I want to talk about WHY I workout. Of course we workout to look and feel good, but is that all? No, way! I could think of about a million reasons I workout and why I love to teach exercises classes, but I decided to narrow it down to my top 35 (ok, so I didn't narrow it down that much). 

I Workout To.....

I Workout To.....

Stay strong

Set a good example for my daughter

Feel like a GLADIATOR IN SPANDEX (corny Scandal reference, but true)

Have an excuse to whoop and holler in public (my students know what I'm talking about)

Hang out with amazing friends

Look good for my husband (just being honest)

Thank my body for all it does for me

Revert back to my cheerleading days

Feel good about myself

Work off some steam

Sweat like a pig, and like it

Dance to hip hop music like I'm at a high school dance, and not care who's watching (all my high school friends are laughing to themselves right now) 

Empower others

Empower myself

Build muscle

Burn calories

Make myself smile --> the kind that creeps into your eyes because you're that happy

Have an excuse to sing along with my favorite songs

Bob my head to the music and have half the class do it with me

Spend 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes just thinking about one thing (my workout) and not my to do list

Escape reality

Embrace my body 

Make myself huff and puff for air

Feel my legs and arms shaking after a hard workout

Experience how rewarding a hot shower can be after a run in the cold

Relieve stress

Reward myself for my hard work as an employee, mom, and wife

Encourage others

Meet new people

Try new things

Learn things I didn't know about myself

Push my limits

Stay healthy

Increase my brain power

Love myself!

There you have it! The top 35 reasons I workout and love every second of it (most of the time)! If you came to the blog today hoping for a new workout, make sure you check out the great lower body barre workout I posted yesterday or my workout page for tons of ideas!
Linking up for Workout Wednesday and Wild Workout Wednesday!
Your turn! Why do you workout?
In health,
I Workout To.....
I Workout To.....
I Workout To.....

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